Re: Critical errors nginx под Windows 2003
nginx-forum на
Вт Дек 15 11:43:42 MSK 2009
Спасибо что откликнулись на мой вопрос - мир не без добрых людей.
Лог получается довольно большой при включенном debug. Конкретно не знаю какая инфа нужна, поэтому взял только кусок, где происходит именно ошибка (выделил жирным).
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http proxy header done
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 08:34:56 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: close
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT
Content-Encoding: gzip
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 write new buf t:1 f:0 00835680, pos 00835680, size: 265 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:265
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 file cleanup: fd:524
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http file cache set header
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http cacheable: 1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http upstream process upstream
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe read upstream: 1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe preread: 3620
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 input buf #0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 malloc: 0080F3F0:65536
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 WSARecv: 1:65536
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe recv chain: 29566
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf in s:1 t:1 f:0 00836010, pos 008361EC, size: 3620 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0080F3F0, pos 0080F3F0, size: 29566 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 add cleanup: 008358F8
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 hashed path: c:\nginx/temp/proxy_temp/4/00/0000000004
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 temp fd:524
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write downstream: 1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write busy: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write: out:00835884, f:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http output filter "/Guestbook.aspx?"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http copy filter: "/Guestbook.aspx?"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 malloc: 0081F3F8:32768
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http postpone filter "/Guestbook.aspx?" 008359A0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http gzip filter
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 malloc: 00900F10:270336
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip alloc: n:1 s:5824 a:8192 p:00900F10
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:00902F10
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:00912F10
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip alloc: n:32768 s:2 a:65536 p:00922F10
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip alloc: n:16384 s:4 a:65536 p:00932F10
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in: 008359B0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in_buf:00835960 ni:0081F3F8 ai:3620
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 malloc: 00942F18:4096
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 deflate in: ni:0081F3F8 no:00942F18 ai:3620 ao:4096 fl:0 redo:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 deflate out: ni:0082021C no:00942F18 ai:0 ao:4096 rc:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in_buf:00835960 pos:0081F3F8
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in: 00000000
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http copy filter: 0 "/Guestbook.aspx?"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write busy: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write: out:00000000, f:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe read upstream: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0080F3F0, pos 0080F3F0, size: 29566 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00836010, pos 00836010, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 event timer: 448, old: 2440768696, new: 2440768899
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 post event 0E1F07A0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 delete posted event 0E1F07A0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http upstream request: "/Guestbook.aspx?"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http upstream process upstream
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe read upstream: 1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 WSARecv: 2:4096
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe recv chain: 13140
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0080F3F0, pos 0080F3F0, size: 42706 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00836010, pos 00836010, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write downstream: 1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write busy: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write: out:00000000, f:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe read upstream: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0080F3F0, pos 0080F3F0, size: 42706 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00836010, pos 00836010, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 event timer: 448, old: 2440768696, new: 2440768915
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 post event 0E1F07A0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 delete posted event 0E1F07A0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http upstream request: "/Guestbook.aspx?"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http upstream process upstream
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe read upstream: 1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 WSARecv: 2:4096
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe recv chain: 4783
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0080F3F0, pos 0080F3F0, size: 47489 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00836010, pos 00836010, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write downstream: 1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write busy: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write: out:00000000, f:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe read upstream: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0080F3F0, pos 0080F3F0, size: 47489 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00836010, pos 00836010, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 event timer: 448, old: 2440768696, new: 2440768915
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 post event 0E1F07A0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 delete posted event 0E1F07A0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http upstream request: "/Guestbook.aspx?"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http upstream process upstream
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe read upstream: 1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 WSARecv: 2:4096
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe recv chain: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0080F3F0, pos 0080F3F0, size: 47489 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 00836010, pos 00836010, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 input buf #1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 00836010
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write downstream: 1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write downstream flush out
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http output filter "/Guestbook.aspx?"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http copy filter: "/Guestbook.aspx?"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http postpone filter "/Guestbook.aspx?" 008359A0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http gzip filter
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in: 00835A08
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in_buf:00835960 ni:0081F3F8 ai:32768
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 deflate in: ni:0081F3F8 no:00942F18 ai:32768 ao:4096 fl:0 redo:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 deflate out: ni:008273F8 no:00942F18 ai:0 ao:4096 rc:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in_buf:00835960 pos:0081F3F8
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in: 00000000
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http postpone filter "/Guestbook.aspx?" 008359A0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http gzip filter
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in: 00835A10
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in_buf:00835960 ni:0081F3F8 ai:14721
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 deflate in: ni:0081F3F8 no:00942F18 ai:14721 ao:4096 fl:0 redo:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 deflate out: ni:00822D79 no:00942F18 ai:0 ao:4096 rc:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in_buf:00835960 pos:0081F3F8
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in: 00000000
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http copy filter: 0 "/Guestbook.aspx?"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 pipe write downstream done
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 select del event fd:448 ev:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 event timer del: 448: 2440768696
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http file cache update
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http file cache rename: "c:\nginx/temp/proxy_temp/4/00/0000000004" to "c:/Temp/nginx/cache/a/ac/9c6424bde044a2c36e04854699545aca"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 malloc: 00859218:76
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 DeleteFile() "c:\nginx/temp/proxy_temp/4/00/0000000004" failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified) while reading upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET /Guestbook.aspx HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "", referrer: ""
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 MoveFile() "c:\nginx/temp/proxy_temp/4/00/0000000004" to "c:/Temp/nginx/cache/a/ac/9c6424bde044a2c36e04854699545aca" failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified) while reading upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET /Guestbook.aspx HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "", referrer: ""
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http upstream exit: 00000000
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 finalize http upstream request: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 finalize http proxy request
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free rr peer 1 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 close http upstream connection: 448
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http upstream temp fd: 524
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http upstream cache fd: -1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http output filter "/Guestbook.aspx?"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http copy filter: "/Guestbook.aspx?"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http postpone filter "/Guestbook.aspx?" 0DF0FF20
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http gzip filter
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in: 00835A50
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in_buf:00835A18 ni:00000000 ai:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 deflate in: ni:00000000 no:00942F18 ai:0 ao:4096 fl:4 redo:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 deflate out: ni:00000000 no:00943F18 ai:0 ao:0 rc:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in_buf:00835A18 pos:00000000
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 malloc: 00827400:4096
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 deflate in: ni:00000000 no:00827400 ai:0 ao:4096 fl:4 redo:1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 deflate out: ni:00000000 no:00828400 ai:0 ao:0 rc:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in_buf:00835A18 pos:00000000
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 malloc: 00828408:4096
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 deflate in: ni:00000000 no:00828408 ai:0 ao:4096 fl:4 redo:1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 deflate out: ni:00000000 no:00828A94 ai:0 ao:2420 rc:1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 gzip in_buf:00835A18 pos:00000000
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 00900F10
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http chunk: 10
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http chunk: 4096
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http chunk: 4096
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http chunk: 1684
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 write old buf t:1 f:0 00835680, pos 00835680, size: 265 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 write new buf t:1 f:0 00000000, pos 00835B80, size: 6 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 write new buf t:0 f:0 00000000, pos 0052D6EC, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 write new buf t:1 f:0 00942F18, pos 00942F18, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 write new buf t:1 f:0 00827400, pos 00827400, size: 4096 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 write new buf t:1 f:0 00828408, pos 00828408, size: 1684 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 write new buf t:0 f:0 00000000, pos 004F836C, size: 7 file: 0, size: 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:10164
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http write filter limit 0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 WSASend: fd:528, s:10164
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http write filter 00000000
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http copy filter: 0 "/Guestbook.aspx?"
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http finalize request: 0, "/Guestbook.aspx?" a:1, c:1
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http request count:1 blk:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http close request
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 http log handler
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 run cleanup: 008358F8
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 file cleanup: fd:524
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 run cleanup: 0080EE70
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 00828408
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 00942F18
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 00000000
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 0081F3F8
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 0080F3F0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 00827400
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 0080E3E8, unused: 4
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 00835008, unused: 833
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 close http connection: 528
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 select del event fd:528 ev:0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 007EA3A8
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 007D8488
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 007D90D0
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 007D8FC8, unused: 28
2009/12/15 08:34:56 5060#7384: *328 free: 0075C5B0, unused: 184
Posted at Nginx Forum:,29873,30589#msg-30589
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