Re: Периодические проблемы с fastcgi, неполный/пустой ответ от fastcgi php backend

Noon es Shadow noonesshadow at
Fri Jun 5 23:59:17 MSD 2009

Несколько возможно важных моментов
1) По кэшу видно, что ответ от бэкенда приходит правильный
2) Переключил php и nginx на юникс-сокеты, проблема пропала

5 июня 2009 г. 12:58 пользователь Noon es Shadow
<noonesshadow at>написал:

> Схема:
> Клиент посылает запрос, если это динамика то Нгинк пересылает запрос на
> бэкенд php по fastcgi, тип ответа text/xml, и выполняет трансформацию по
> заданному шаблону XSL
> Изредка, примерно раз из 100, случается следующее:
> Клиенту выдается ошибка 500 (internal server error), в лог пишется
> not well formed XML document while sending to client
> При повторном обновлении страницы все срабатывает как надо.
> Система: Linux 2.6.25-14.fc9.i686, epoll,
> configure arguments: --with-http_xslt_module --without-http_rewrite_module
> --without-http_memcached_module --without-http_upstream_ip_hash_module
> --with-debug --with-pcre=./pcre-7.9
> (аналогично происходит и при configure arguments: --with-http_xslt_module
> --with-pcre=./pcre-7.9)
> *--with-debug:*
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http upstream request:
> "/info/s32.html?"
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http upstream dummy handler
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: timer delta: 1
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: posted events 00000000
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: worker cycle
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: epoll timer: 52840
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: epoll: fd:18 ev:0005 d:09A082C1
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http upstream request:
> "/info/s32.html?"
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http upstream process upstream
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 pipe read upstream: 1
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 readv: 5:4096
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 pipe recv chain: 0
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 09A39F78,
> pos 09A39F78, size: 1616 file: 0, size: 0
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 09A3CF90,
> pos 09A3CF90, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 09A3AF80,
> pos 09A3AF80, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 09A37F68,
> pos 09A37F68, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 09A38F70,
> pos 09A38F70, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 input buf #5 09A39F78
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 01
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 06
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 00
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 01
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 00
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 01
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 07
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 00
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record length: 1
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 input buf #5 09A3A5B0
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 01
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 03
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 00
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 01
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 00
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 08
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 00
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record byte: 00
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi record length: 8
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http fastcgi sent end request
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 input buf 09A3A5B0 1
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 free: 09A3CF90
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 free: 09A3AF80
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 free: 09A37F68
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 free: 09A38F70
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 pipe write downstream: 1
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 pipe write downstream flush in
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http output filter
> "/info/s32.html?"
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 copy filter: "/info/s32.html?"
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 xslt filter body
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 copy filter: 0 "/info/s32.html?"
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 pipe write downstream done
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 event timer: 18, old: 2948757598,
> new: 2948757635
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http upstream exit: 00000000
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 finalize http upstream request: 0
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 finalize http fastcgi request
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 free rr peer 1 0
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 close http upstream connection: 18
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 event timer del: 18: 2948757598
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http upstream temp fd: -1
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http output filter
> "/info/s32.html?"
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 copy filter: "/info/s32.html?"
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 xslt filter body
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [error] 17496#0: *5 not well formed XML document while
> sending to client, client: ***.***.***.***, server: ***.***.***.***,
> request: "GET /info/s32.html HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://
>", host: "***.***.***.***"
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http special response: 500,
> "/info/s32.html?"
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 http set discard body
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 xslt filter header
> 2009/06/05 12:30:46 [debug] 17496#0: *5 HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
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