SOAP POST request lag

Vitaliy Okulov vitaliy.okulov at
Thu May 21 16:48:43 MSD 2009

Сервис не на шлюзе.
Проблему решили именно NATом с указанием нужных сетей.

21 мая 2009 г. 14:47 пользователь Alexey V. Karagodov
<kav at>написал:

> кривые правила
> фрибсд с пф-ом, в таких ситуациях работает нормально
> в курсе именно подобной ситуации
> кроме аудита настроек шлюза есть вариант:
> RDR and NAT Combination
> With an additional NAT rule on the internal interface, the lacking source
> address translation described above can be achieved.
> rdr on $int_if proto tcp from $int_net to $ext_if port 80 -> \
>   $server
> no nat on $int_if proto tcp from $int_if to $int_net
> nat on $int_if proto tcp from $int_net to $server port 80 -> \
>   $int_if
> This will cause the initial packet from the client to be translated again
> when it's forwarded back through the internal interface, replacing the
> client's source address with the firewall's internal address. The internal
> server will reply back to the firewall, which can reverse both NAT and RDR
> translations when forwarding to the local client. This construct is rather
> complex as it creates two separate states for each reflected connection.
> Care must be taken to prevent the NAT rule from applying to other traffic,
> for instance connections originating from external hosts (through other
> redirections) or the firewall itself. Note that the rdr rule above will
> cause the TCP/IP stack to see packets arriving on the internal interface
> with a destination address inside the internal network.
> In general, the previously mentioned solutions should be used instead.
> это если сервис НЕ на шлюзе
> если сервис НА шлюзе, то исправлять кривые правила pf
> On 21.05.2009, at 14:16, Vitaliy Okulov wrote:
>  Не правила как раз написано нормально. Ситуация в том, что сервер, куда
>> уходит запрос имеет 2-а IP: 1 - real ip, а 2-ой - из тойже подсетки, что и
>> сервер, откуда идет запрос.
>> То есть через firewall проходит только трафик от 2-го сервера, а первый
>> сервер отвечает напрямую, то есть без участия firewall сервера.
>> Соотвественно соединение висит на firewall сервере в состоянии
>> CLOSED:SYN_SENT положенное в tcp.opening время и сбрасывает его.
>> Так что проблему локализовали и сейчас решаем.
>> 21 мая 2009 г. 14:03 пользователь Alexey V. Karagodov
>> <kav at>написал:
>>  правила пф кривые
>>> на шлюзе:
>>> netstat -rn
>>> cat /etc/rc.conf
>>> cat /etc/pf.conf
>>> traceroute -n
>>> traceroute -n внешний_ип
>>> на внутреннем сервере:
>>> что там?
>>> traceroute -n
>>> traceroute -n внешний_ип
>>> если нечто слушает на шлюзовом сервере и приходит запрос на внешний ИП из
>>> внутренней сети, то ответ всё равно должен уходить куда надо и как надо
>>> что за сервис? хттп?
>>> как внутренний сервер достигает интернета? нат?
>>> On 21.05.2009, at 11:53, Vitaliy Okulov wrote:
>>> Докопался, у меня 2-а сервера, на 1-ом - 1 real ip, 1 lan ip. На 2-м
>>>> сервере
>>>> 1 lan ip. Соотвественно, когда 2-ой сервер делает запрос на real ip
>>>> адрес
>>>> первого сервера, то данный сервер отправляет ответные пакеты не через
>>>> шлюз,
>>>> а напрямую на 2-ой сервер, но с real ip адресом, как адрес отправителя.
>>>> То есть получается такой треугольник при запросе.
>>>> Шлюзовому оборудованию видимо это не нравится. Пойду посмотрю может быть
>>>> в
>>>> pf дело.
>>>> 20 мая 2009 г. 16:39 пользователь Igor Sysoev <is at>
>>>> написал:
>>>> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 06:56:55PM +0400, Vitaliy Okulov wrote:
>>>>> Коллеги, кто может подсказать почему возникает лаг в 50 секунд при POST
>>>>>> запросе от SOAP клиента, может ли в этом виноват nginx? При томже
>>>>>> запросе
>>>>>> напрямую (то есть без nginx сервера) все работает без проблем.
>>>>> Насколько я могу судить из приведённого лога, ядро в первом случае не
>>>>> присылает новые события в течение 50 секунд, а потом и 60 (после
>>>>> второго
>>>>> таймаута соединение закрывается). То есть, nginx вроде отрабатывает
>>>>> нормально.
>>>>> Debug лог:
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer del: 206:
>>>>>> 1242571455407
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 generic phase: 0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 generic phase: 1
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 find location for
>>>>>> "/webservices.php/user_content"
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 find location: "/"
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 using configuration "/"
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http cl:258589 max:62914560
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 generic phase: 3
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 post rewrite phase: 4
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 generic phase: 5
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 generic phase: 6
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 access phase: 7
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 access phase: 8
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 access phase: 9
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 post access phase: 10
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 malloc:
>>>>>> 000000000094B000:4096
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>>  preread
>>>>>  819
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 malloc:
>>>>>> 000000000118B000:131072
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:3320,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 7664 of 131072
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  7664
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 250106
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer add: 206:
>>>>>> 60000:1242571455407
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 post event 0000000000D2B690
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 delete posted event
>>>>>> 0000000000D2B690
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:8688,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 8688 of 123408
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  8688
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 241418
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571455407, new: 1242571455408
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 post event 0000000000D2B690
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 delete posted event
>>>>>> 0000000000D2B690
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:4344,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 13032 of 114720
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>> 13032
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 228386
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571455407, new: 1242571455409
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 post event 0000000000D2B690
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 delete posted event
>>>>>> 0000000000D2B690
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:8688,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 20272 of 101688
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>> 20272
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 208114
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571455407, new: 1242571455409
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 post event 0000000000D2B690
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 delete posted event
>>>>>> 0000000000D2B690
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:11584,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 11584 of 81416
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>> 11584
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 196530
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571455407, new: 1242571455409
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 post event 0000000000D2B690
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 delete posted event
>>>>>> 0000000000D2B690
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:4344,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 4344 of 69832
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  4344
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:43:15 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 192186
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 *18:43:15* [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571455407, new: 1242571455409
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 *18:44:06* [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:1448,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 1448 of 65488
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  1448
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 190738
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer del: 206:
>>>>>> 1242571455407
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer add: 206:
>>>>>> 60000:1242571506913
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:2896,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 2896 of 64040
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  2896
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 187842
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571506913, new: 1242571507013
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:2896,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 4344 of 61144
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  4344
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 183498
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571506913, new: 1242571507014
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:5792,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 5792 of 56800
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  5792
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 177706
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571506913, new: 1242571507014
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:1448,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 1448 of 51008
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  1448
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 176258
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571506913, new: 1242571507014
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:5792,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 5792 of 49560
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  5792
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 170466
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571506913, new: 1242571507014
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:2896,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 2896 of 43768
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  2896
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 167570
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571506913, new: 1242571507014
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:5296,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 5296 of 40872
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  5296
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 162274
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571506913, new: 1242571507014
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:8688,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 8688 of 35576
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  8688
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 153586
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571506913, new: 1242571507014
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:1448,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 7240 of 26888
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  7240
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 146346
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571506913, new: 1242571507015
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:2896,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 7240 of 19648
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  7240
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 139106
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571506913, new: 1242571507015
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:1448,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 8688 of 12408
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  8688
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 130418
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571506913, new: 1242571507015
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http read client request
>>>>>> body
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:5792,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 3720 of 3720
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  3720
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 add cleanup:
>>>>>> 000000000094B238
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 hashed path:
>>>>>> /var/nginx/client_body_temp/0000000003
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 temp fd:211
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [warn] 20128#0: *598 a client request body is
>>>>>>  buffered
>>>>>  to a temporary file /var/nginx/client_body_temp/0000000003, client:
>>>>>>  x.x.x.x,
>>>>>  server:, request: "POST /webservices.php/user_content
>>>>>>  HTTP/1.1",
>>>>>  host: ""
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 write: 211,
>>>>>> 000000000118B000,
>>>>>> 131072, 0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: eof:0, avail:2072,
>>>>>> err:0
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 recv: fd:206 2072 of 126698
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> recv
>>>>>>  2072
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http client request body
>>>>>> rest
>>>>>> 124626
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:44:07 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer: 206, old:
>>>>>> 1242571506913, new: 1242571507015
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 event timer del: 206:
>>>>>> 1242571506913
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http finalize request: 408,
>>>>>> "/webservices.php/user_content?"
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http close request
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 http log handler
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 run cleanup:
>>>>>> 000000000094B238
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 file cleanup: fd:211
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 free: 000000000118B000
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 free: 000000000094A000,
>>>>>> unused:
>>>>>>  8
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 free: 000000000094B000,
>>>>>> unused:
>>>>>> 3344
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 close http connection: 206
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 free: 00000000005EA400
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 free: 00000000005E2800
>>>>>> 2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 free: 0000000000918600,
>>>>>> unused:
>>>>>>  8
>>>>>  2009/05/17 18:45:06 [debug] 20128#0: *598 free: 0000000000918700,
>>>>>> unused:
>>>>>> 112
>>>>> --
>>>>> Игорь Сысоев
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