signal 11

ethaniel nginx-forum at
Fri Oct 30 12:38:35 MSK 2009

(gdb) bt

#0  ngx_http_log_escape (dst=,
    src=0xde , size=153600)
    at src/http/modules/ngx_http_log_module.c:682
#1  0x000000000042daea in ngx_http_log_variable_getlen (
    r=, data=)
    at src/http/modules/ngx_http_log_module.c:621
#2  0x000000000042df69 in ngx_http_log_handler (r=0x6b0120)
    at src/http/modules/ngx_http_log_module.c:252
#3  0x0000000000426ba4 in ngx_http_log_request (r=0x0)
    at src/http/ngx_http_request.c:2868
#4  0x0000000000426c93 in ngx_http_request_done (r=0x6b0120, error=0)
    at src/http/ngx_http_request.c:2823
#5  0x0000000000426d94 in ngx_http_close_request (r=,
    error=222) at src/http/ngx_http_request.c:2776
#6  0x0000000000428f7f in ngx_http_finalize_request (r=0x6b0120,
    rc=) at src/http/ngx_http_request.c:2029
#7  0x000000000042a018 in ngx_http_writer (r=0x6b0120)
    at src/http/ngx_http_request.c:2147
#8  0x0000000000426b41 in ngx_http_request_handler (ev=)
    at src/http/ngx_http_request.c:1759
#9  0x0000000000416fd9 in ngx_event_expire_timers ()
    at src/event/ngx_event_timer.c:149
#10 0x0000000000416f05 in ngx_process_events_and_timers (cycle=0x683040)
---Type  to continue, or q  to quit---
    at src/event/ngx_event.c:261
#11 0x000000000041c6a1 in ngx_worker_process_cycle (cycle=0x683040,
    data=) at src/os/unix/ngx_process_cycle.c:781
#12 0x000000000041afe7 in ngx_spawn_process (cycle=0x683040,
    proc=0x41c5e4 , data=0x0,
    name=0x457209 "worker process", respawn=3) at src/os/unix/ngx_process.c:194
#13 0x000000000041ce88 in ngx_master_process_cycle (cycle=0x683040)
    at src/os/unix/ngx_process_cycle.c:602
#14 0x00000000004040b5 in main (argc=38, argv=0x682140) at src/core/nginx.c:389


#1  0x000000000042daea in ngx_http_log_variable_getlen (
    r=, data=)
    at src/http/modules/ngx_http_log_module.c:621
621         len = ngx_http_log_escape(NULL, value->data, value->len);

p *value

$1 = {len = 153600, valid = 1, no_cacheable = 1, not_found = 0, escape = 0,
  data = 0xde }

Posted at Nginx Forum:,18190,18210#msg-18210

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