проблемы с кодировкой nginx + ms exchange

DigitalShaman nginx-forum на nginx.us
Вт Янв 5 19:42:20 MSK 2010

Доброе время суток всем.
nginx настроен в режиме прокси для MS Exchange 2003 Outlook Web Access
в процессе работы выяснилась такая проблема: при попытке переслать любое письмо nginx выдает 
Bad Request (Invalid URL). 
После разбирательств с дебагом есть подозрение что nginx неправильно перекодирует имена папок при определенных запросах. Непонятным мне образом подменяя "Входящие" на "Черновики"

nginx version: nginx/0.8.31
TLS SNI support enabled
configure arguments: --prefix=/usr --with-cc-opt=-I//usr/include --with-ld-opt=-L//usr/lib --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf --http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access_log --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error_log --pid-path=/var/run/nginx.pid --http-client-body-temp-path=/var/tmp/nginx/client --http-proxy-temp-path=/var/tmp/nginx/proxy --http-fastcgi-temp-path=/var/tmp/nginx/fastcgi --with-http_addition_module --without-http_fastcgi_module --with-debug --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_stub_status_module --without-mail_imap_module --without-mail_pop3_module --without-mail_smtp_module

user nginx nginx;
worker_processes 2;
worker_rlimit_nofile 50000;

error_log /var/log/nginx/error_log debug;

events {
worker_connections 16384;
use epoll;

http {
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;

log_format main
'$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
'"$request" $status $bytes_sent '
'"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" '

client_header_timeout 10m;
client_body_timeout 10m;
send_timeout 10m;

connection_pool_size 512;
client_header_buffer_size 2k;
large_client_header_buffers 4 8k;
request_pool_size 8k;

client_max_body_size 2000m;

gzip on;
gzip_min_length 1100;
gzip_buffers 4 8k;
gzip_types text/plain;

output_buffers 2 32k;
postpone_output 1460;

sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;

keepalive_timeout 75 20;

ignore_invalid_headers on;

index index.html;

server {
listen 80;
server_name imap.site.com.ua;
rewrite ^(.*) https://imap.site.com.ua$1 permanent;

rewrite_log on;

access_log /var/log/nginx/localhost.access_log main;
error_log /var/log/nginx/localhost.error_log debug;
root /var/www/localhost/htdocs;
server {

listen 443;
server_name imap.site.com.ua;

# Redirect from "/" to "/exchange" by default
location = / {
rewrite ^ https://imap.site.com.ua/exchange permanent;

# Enable SSL
ssl on;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/imap.site.com.ua.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/imap.site.com.ua.key;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;

# Set global proxy settings
proxy_read_timeout 360;

proxy_pass_header Date;
proxy_pass_header imap.site.com.ua;

proxy_set_header Host imap.site.com.ua;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
#proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";

location /rpc { proxy_pass https://imap.site.com.ua/rpc ; }
location /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync { proxy_pass http://frontendexch.kernel.local/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync; }
location /exchange { proxy_pass https://frontendexch.kernel.local/exchange; }
location /exchweb { proxy_pass https://frontendexch.kernel.local/exchweb; }
location /public { proxy_pass https://frontendexch.kernel.local/public; }

access_log /var/log/nginx/exchange-ssl-access.log main;
error_log /var/log/nginx/exchange-ssl-error.log info;


2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 write new buf t:1 f:0 0813A8F8, pos 0813A8F8, size: 544 file: 0, size: 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:544
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http cacheable: 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http upstream process upstream
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 pipe read upstream: 1
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 pipe preread: 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 pipe recv chain: 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 0813B858, pos 0813BA60, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 pipe write downstream: 1
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 pipe write downstream done
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 event timer: 12, old: 4274986183, new: 4274986434
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http upstream exit: 00000000
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 finalize http upstream request: 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 finalize http proxy request
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 free rr peer 1 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 SSL_shutdown: 1
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 close http upstream connection: 12
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 event timer del: 12: 4274986183
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 delete posted event B782B10C
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http upstream temp fd: -1
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http output filter "/exchange/root/Входящие/фото НГ.EML/?Cmd=forward"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http copy filter: "/exchange/root/Входящие/фото НГ.EML/?Cmd=forward"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http postpone filter "/exchange/root/Входящие/фото НГ.EML/?Cmd=forward" BFD6B498
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 write old buf t:1 f:0 0813A8F8, pos 0813A8F8, size: 544 file: 0, size: 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 write new buf t:0 f:0 00000000, pos 00000000, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http write filter: l:1 f:0 s:544
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http write filter limit 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 malloc: 0815B400:16384
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 SSL buf copy: 544
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 SSL to write: 544
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 SSL_write: 544
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http write filter 00000000
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http copy filter: 0 "/exchange/root/Входящие/фото НГ.EML/?Cmd=forward"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http finalize request: 0, "/exchange/root/Входящие/фото НГ.EML/?Cmd=forward" a:1, c:1
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 set http keepalive handler
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http close request
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http log handler
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 free: 0813B858
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 free: 081573F8
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 free: 08139840, unused: 2576
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 event timer add: 19: 75000:4274701434
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 free: 08115EE0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 free: 080E29E8
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 hc free: 00000000 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 hc busy: 00000000 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 free: 0815B400
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 post event B782B654
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 post event B775A654
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 delete posted event B775A654
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http empty handler
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 delete posted event B782B654
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http keepalive handler
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 malloc: 080E29E8:2048
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 SSL_read: 801
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 SSL_read: -1
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 SSL_get_error: 2
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 malloc: 08115EE0:656
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 posix_memalign: 08139840:8192 @16
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http process request line
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'2F:/', out:'/'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:1 in:'65:e', out:'e'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'78:x', out:'x'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'63:c', out:'c'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'68:h', out:'h'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'61:a', out:'a'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'6E:n', out:'n'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'67:g', out:'g'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'65:e', out:'e'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'2F:/', out:'/'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:1 in:'72:r', out:'r'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'6F:o', out:'o'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'6F:o', out:'o'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'74:t', out:'t'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'2F:/', out:'/'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:1 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:1 in:'D0:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'41:A', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'37:7', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'A7:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D0:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'42:B', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'35:5', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'B5:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'31:1', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D1:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'38:8', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'80:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D0:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'42:B', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'44:D', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'BD:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D0:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'42:B', out:'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'45:E', out:'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'BE:�', out:'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D0:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'42:B', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'32:2', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'B2:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D0:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'42:B', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'38:8', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'B8:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D0:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'42:B', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'41:A', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'BA:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'/'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'/'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'/'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D0:�', out:'/'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'42:B', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'38:8', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'B8:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'2F:/', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:1 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'33:3', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'45:E', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:1 in:'3E:>', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'33:3', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'45:E', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'3E:>', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'3A::', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'32:2', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'20: ', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'31:1', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D1:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'38:8', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'34:4', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'84:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:' '
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:' '
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:' '
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D0:�', out:' '
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'42:B', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'45:E', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'BE:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'31:1', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D1:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'38:8', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'32:2', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'82:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D0:�', out:'�'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'.'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'42:B', out:'.'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'45:E', out:'.'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'BE:�', out:'.'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'E'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'32:2', out:'E'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'E'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'20: ', out:'E'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'M'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'M'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'M'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D0:�', out:'M'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'L'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'39:9', out:'L'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'44:D', out:'L'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'9D:�', out:'L'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'/'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'44:D', out:'/'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'30:0', out:'/'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'D0:�', out:'/'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'25:%', out:'<'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:4 in:'39:9', out:'<'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:5 in:'33:3', out:'<'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'93:�', out:'<'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'2D:-', out:'/'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'31:1', out:'T'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'33:3', out:'D'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'2E:.', out:'>'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'45:E', out:'<'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'4D:M', out:'T'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'4C:L', out:'D'
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 s:0 in:'3F:?', out:' '
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http request line: "GET /exchange/root/%D0%A7%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8/%3E%3E:%20%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%9D%D0%93-13.EML?Cmd=forward&Create=0 HTTP/1.1"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http uri: "/exchange/root/Черновики/>>: фото НГ-13.EML"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http args: "Cmd=forward&Create=0"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http exten: "EML"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http process request header line
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http header: "Host: imap.site.com.ua"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru; rv: Gecko/20091215 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.6"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http header: "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http header: "Accept-Language: ru,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http header: "Accept-Charset: windows-1251,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http header: "Keep-Alive: 300"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http header: "Connection: keep-alive"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http header: "Referer: https://imap.site.com.ua/exchange/root/%D0%92%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%8F%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%B5/%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%9D%D0%93.EML?Cmd=open"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http header: "Cookie: sessionid=2178fd18-050d-42ef-abad-161cd1669b93:0x419"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http header: "Authorization: Basic YS5yb21hbmVua286a2FyYW1ib2xpbm8="
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http header done
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 event timer del: 19: 4274701434
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 generic phase: 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 test location: "/exchweb"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 test location: "/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 test location: "/exchange"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 using configuration "/exchange"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http cl:-1 max:2097152000
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 generic phase: 2
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 post rewrite phase: 3
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 generic phase: 4
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 generic phase: 5
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 access phase: 6
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 access phase: 7
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 post access phase: 8
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http script copy: "Host: imap.site.com.ua
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http script copy: "X-Real-IP: "
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http script var: ""
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http script copy: "
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-For: "
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http script var: ""
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http script copy: "
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http script copy: "Connection: close
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http proxy header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru; rv: Gecko/20091215 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.6"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http proxy header: "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http proxy header: "Accept-Language: ru,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http proxy header: "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http proxy header: "Accept-Charset: windows-1251,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http proxy header: "Referer: https://imap.site.com.ua/exchange/root/%D0%92%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%8F%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%B5/%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%9D%D0%93.EML?Cmd=open"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http proxy header: "Cookie: sessionid=2178fd18-050d-42ef-abad-161cd1669b93:0x419"
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http proxy header: "Authorization: Basic YS5yb21hbmVua286a2FyYW1ib2xpbm8="
2010/01/05 16:00:44  4753#0: *377 http proxy header:
"GET /exchange/root/%d0%a7%d0%b5%d1%80%d0%bd%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b8%d0%ba%d0%b8/>>:%20%d1%84%d0%be%d1%82%d0%be%20%d0%9d%d0%93-13.EML?Cmd=forward&Create=0 HTTP/1.0
Host: imap.site.com.ua
Connection: close
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru; rv: Gecko/20091215 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.6
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: ru,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: windows-1251,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Referer: https://imap.site.com.ua/exchange/root/%D0%92%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%8F%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%B5/%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%9D%D0%93.EML?Cmd=open
Cookie: sessionid=2178fd18-050d-42ef-abad-161cd1669b93:0x419
Authorization: Basic YS5yb21hbmVua286a2FyYW1ib2xpbm8=

Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?21,37137,37137#msg-37137

Подробная информация о списке рассылки nginx-ru