recursive_error_pages limited to a chain of 11?

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Tue Sep 25 16:06:03 UTC 2012


On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 11:30:41AM -0400, o456092 at wrote:

> Hi Maxim,
>    I have just tried - and it works - though more questions raise, how is
> the round-robin working (though, since I am using cache, I am not too

It's round-robin.  If you want know algorithm details - you may 
dig into sources or e.g. take a look at this commit which explains 
latest algorithm:

> concerned)  Also, is there a limit to the number of maximum upstream servers
> within the block - from the documentation I don't see any indicative of
> having limits - but this is something I wont have to worry for a long time.

Number of servers is more or less unlimited.

Maxim Dounin

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