slice module + thread pools
Maxim Dounin
mdounin на
Чт Фев 25 16:20:50 UTC 2016
On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 11:22:45AM +0300, Vadim Lazovskiy wrote:
> Проблема 2 (aio включено slice включен):
> Если запустить скачивание файла через прокси, скорость очень низкая,
> соединение постоянно разрывается. В логах при этом:
> 2016/02/23 10:36:11 [alert] 11124#11124: task #1 already active
> 2016/02/23 10:36:12 [alert] 11124#11124: task #4 already active
> 2016/02/23 10:36:14 [alert] 11124#11124: task #7 already active
> 2016/02/23 10:36:17 [alert] 11124#11124: task #10 already active
> 2016/02/23 10:37:59 [alert] 11124#11124: task #23 already active
> 2016/02/23 10:38:07 [alert] 11124#11124: task #35 already active
> 2016/02/23 10:38:17 [alert] 11124#11124: task #37 already active
> Если отключить slice module, все становится хорошо.
Это выглядит как проблема при aio threads + sendfile + подзапросы.
Workaround - выключить что-нибудь из списка. Just for the record,
воспроизводится с помощью тестов как-то так:
TEST_NGINX_GLOBALS_HTTP="aio threads; sendfile on;" prove proxy_store.t
# HG changeset patch
# User Maxim Dounin <mdounin at>
# Date 1456417157 -10800
# Thu Feb 25 19:19:17 2016 +0300
# Node ID 06da00f231e74bbb8dbb55fd6abd88ca8b207917
# Parent 463609ba52b07e8e669d83ca7ca7fa754ae5355a
Fixed sendfile in threads when used with subrequests.
If sendfile in threads where used, it was possible that multiple
subrequests will trigger multiple ngx_linux_sendfile_thread() calls,
as operations are only serialized in output chain based on r->aio,
that is, on subrequest level.
This resulted in "task #N already active" alerts, in particular, when
running proxy_store.t with "aio threads; sendfile on;".
Fix is to tolerate duplicate calls, with an additional safety check
that the file is the same as previously used.
diff --git a/src/os/unix/ngx_linux_sendfile_chain.c b/src/os/unix/ngx_linux_sendfile_chain.c
--- a/src/os/unix/ngx_linux_sendfile_chain.c
+++ b/src/os/unix/ngx_linux_sendfile_chain.c
@@ -354,6 +354,18 @@ ngx_linux_sendfile_thread(ngx_connection
return (ctx->sent == ctx->size) ? NGX_DONE : NGX_AGAIN;
+ if (task-> && ctx->file == file) {
+ /*
+ * tolerate duplicate calls with the same file;
+ * it can happen due to subrequests, as r->aio only serializes
+ * operations within a single subrequest
+ */
+ *sent = 0;
+ return NGX_OK;
+ }
ctx->file = file;
ctx->socket = c->fd;
ctx->size = size;
Maxim Dounin
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