
Igor Sysoev is at
Mon May 29 21:26:01 MSD 2006

Changes with nginx 0.3.48                                        29 May 2006

     *) Change: now the ngx_http_charset_module works for subrequests, if
        the response has no "Content-Type" header line.

     *) Bugfix: if the "proxy_pass" directive has no URI part, then the
        "proxy_redirect default" directive add the unnecessary slash in
        start of the rewritten redirect.

     *) Bugfix: the internal redirect always transform client's HTTP method
        to GET, now the transformation is made for the "X-Accel-Redirect"
        redirects only and if the method is not HEAD; bug appeared in 0.3.42.

     *) Bugfix: the ngx_http_perl_module could not be built, if the perl was
        built with the threads support; bug appeared in 0.3.46.

I'm on vacation for two weeks.

Igor Sysoev

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