Alias which works like in other web servers

marc at marc at
Sat Aug 4 13:21:11 MSD 2007

Hi Igor,

I need / to point to /var/www/site,  /blog to /var/www/wordpress, 
/nagios to /var/www/nagios, /munin to /var/www/munin   the /munin, 
/nagios and /blog/wp-admin dirs should be password protected using auth.

All dirs except /munin and /nagios have PHP scripts in them that need to 
be run.


Igor Sysoev wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 05:16:06PM +0100, marc at wrote:
>> Hi Igor,
>> I need mappings of complete directories as each directory contains many 
>> php scripts and these scripts may be added/removed with future versions.
> Could you describe all mappings that you currently need ?
> I show you examples and you will may use them in future.
>> Igor Sysoev wrote:
>>> On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 04:57:07PM +0100, marc at wrote:
>>>> Hi Igor,
>>>> Thanks for your quick reply.
>>>> I tried location ^~ /blog but that produced a similar result, php-fcgi 
>>>> returned 'No input file specified' as it was not able to open the path 
>>>> provided to it by nginx.
>>>> I also have the following block in order to force http authentication on 
>>>> the /blog/wp-admin directory:
>>>> location /blog/wp-admin {
>>>>      alias   /var/www/wordpress/wp-admin;
>>>>      auth_basic "adm"; 
>>>>      auth_basic_user_file conf/nginx.user;
>>>>      rewrite ^.+?(/.*\.php)$ $1 break;
>>>> }  
>>>> Is there a way to put the auth stuff into the same /blog location ?
>>>> I would very much want to have a few "true" Aliases in my config rather 
>>>> than relying on symlinks, which is not really the clean/correct way to 
>>>> do this IMHO.  Let's just say that for the sake of argument I need the 
>>>> following aliases for the same vhost:  /blog /munin /nagios -- all of 
>>>> which point to folders that are outside the document root of that 
>>>> vhost.   I would also like to password protect each of these aliases.
>>> Could you describe all mappings that you need ? i.e.:
>>> /blogs/dir/some.php -> //var/www/wordpress/some.php
>>> etc.
>>>> Igor Sysoev wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 11:18:51AM +0100, Just Marc wrote:
>>>>>> I have a website and a wordpress blog under /blog/   The blog scripts 
>>>>>> are sitting in a different directory, this is the conf:
>>>>>> server {
>>>>>> listen x.x.x.x;
>>>>>> root   /var/www/site/;
>>>>>> location /blog {
>>>>>>     alias   /var/www/wordpress;
>>>>>>     rewrite ^.+?(/.*\.php)$ $1 last;
>>>>>>     rewrite ^ /index.php last;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> location / {
>>>>>>     rewrite '^/([^\.]*)\.html$'  /index.php?p=$1 last;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> location ~ .php$ {
>>>>>>     fastcgi_pass;
>>>>>>     fastcgi_index  index.php;
>>>>>>     include        conf/fastcgi.conf;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> With this conf, a request to: /blog/wp-login.php is processed by the 
>>>>>> php location resulting in a bad URL (nginx tries to open: 
>>>>>> /var/www/site/blog/wp-login.php).
>>>>> Could you describe all mappings that you need ?

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