Rewrite problem with " "

Igor Sysoev is at
Wed Aug 22 21:34:05 MSD 2007

On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 06:00:33PM +0100, Malte Sussdorff wrote:

> Sorry for this newbie question:
> I need to rewrite /photos/%20/robots.txt to /robots.txt (and  
> robots.txt is just an example). I tried it many ways, the latest was:
>       location /photos/%20/ {
>             rewrite ^/photos/%20/(.*)$ /$1 break;
>         }
> What am I missing here? is the %20 which marks a space a problem ?

nginx tests location in unescaped form.

       location = "/photos/ /robots.txt" {
           alias  /path/to/robots.txt;

Igor Sysoev

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