rewrite or internal redirection cycle

Remo Laubacher remo.laubacher at
Sun Jul 29 12:46:16 MSD 2007

Hi all,

I've installed nginx 0.5.29 on a second server which uses the
configuration file I wrote for the first nginx server running with 0.5.26.
On the new server I'm getting this error:

2007/07/29 10:25:10 [error] 14422#0: *19 rewrite or internal redirection
cycle while processing "/cms/files/logo.jpg", client: A.B.C.D, server:
localhost, URL: "/cms/files/kk-20-Turm.jpg", host: "www.www.www"

The reason for this is this rewrite statement:

rewrite ^(.*)/files/(.*) /cms/files/$2 last;

I understand that the pattern matches the new location as well, but it
worked with 0.5.26 and I was also excepting that when I use the keyword
"last" it stays there and does not try to execute the rewrite statement
again... What's wrong there?

Thanks a lot!

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