Map thousands of urls

Janko Hauser jh at
Thu Jun 14 14:29:25 MSD 2007

Hello, we currently use a homegrown apache module, which maps urls to  
new domains and urls. For this we use a mysql-lookup. There are O 
(10000) entries in this table. Now we want to replace Apache with  
nginx (which is currently used as a load balancing proxy to a big  
zope cluster für 400+ Sites).

What would be the best way to achieve the same effect with nginx? We  
can live with a solution, where the mysql-table is exported once a  
night, a new nginx include is written and nginx is reloaded. I think  
it would be bad to port the apache module to nginx, as a mysql-lookup  
for each request reduces the benefits of nginx.

The lookup can be exact, so we do not need thousands of rewrites via  

With regards,

__Janko Hauser

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