Reverse Proxy Load Balancing - proxy_set_header

Dustin Kanske dustin at
Sat Mar 10 02:13:42 MSK 2007


In my nginx config I am attempting to set the values of two request  
headers using the following configuration:

location / {
   proxy_set_header X_FORWARDED_PROTO http;
   proxy_set_header X_SSL_VERIFIED false;

The goal is to ignore whatever the client sets for these headers, and  
to pass our defined values on to the upstream cluster.

It appears that these values only get set if the client leaves them  
out of the request. If the client sets X_SSL_VERIFIED to true, the  
backend application sees 'true'.

I wanted to clarify that this is the expected behavior and that  
proxy_set_header cannot be used to override the request header values  
that a client sets. If this is the case, is there any way to  
accomplish this?


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