nginx and rails configuration question

Cathal coriordan at
Thu Apr 3 12:45:33 MSD 2008

Francisco Valladolid <ficovh at ...> writes:

> Can you post the complete nginx.conf file ?Regards.
> On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 4:08 AM, Cathal
<coriordan at> wrote:
> Hi Francisco,
> Thanks for replying.
> I've defined the cluster instances elsewhere in my conf file.
> I just didn't include them in the sample I posted.
> The issue is that $request_filename includes the matched location '/app2'
> in its path.
> So the following directive:
> if (-f $request_filename)
> {
> break;
> }
> looks for '/app2/styesheets/style.css' in the root directory.
> This doesn't exist.
> Is there someway to take into account that '/app2' is a virtual path when
> attempting a match?
> regards,C.
> -- Francisco Valladolid H. -- - Jesus Christ follower.

Hi Francisco,

Here is the nginx.conf file I'm using.


--- begin nginx.conf ---

# user and group to run as
user  user users;

# number of nginx workers
worker_processes  6;

# pid of nginx master process
pid /var/run/;

# Number of worker connections. 1024 is a good default
events {
  worker_connections 1024;

# start the http module where we config http access.
http {
  ignore_invalid_headers off;
  # pull in mime-types. You can break out your config 
  # into as many include's as you want to make it cleaner
  include /usr/local/nginx/conf/mime.types;

  # set a default type for the rare situation that
  # nothing matches from the mimie-type include
  default_type  application/octet-stream;

  # configure log format
  log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
                  '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                  '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

  # main access log
  access_log  /var/log/nginx_access.log  main;

  # main error log
  error_log  /var/log/nginx_error.log debug;

  # no sendfile on OSX
  sendfile on;

  # These are good default values.
  tcp_nopush        on;
  tcp_nodelay       off;
  # output compression saves bandwidth 
  gzip            on;
  gzip_http_version 1.0;
  gzip_comp_level 2;
  gzip_proxied any;
  gzip_types      text/plain text/html text/css application/x-javascript
text/xml application/xml 
  application/xml+rss text/javascript;

  # this is where you define your mongrel clusters. 
  # you need one of these blocks for each cluster
  # and each one needs its own name to refer to it later.
  upstream mongrel_app1 {
    server localhost:7000;
    server localhost:7001;
    server localhost:7002;
    server localhost:7003;

	upstream mongrel_app2 {
    server localhost:10000;
    server localhost:10001;
    server localhost:10002;
    server localhost:10003;
  # the server directive is nginx's virtual host directive.
  server {
    # port to listen on. Can also be set to an IP:PORT
    listen 80;
    # Set the max size for file uploads to 50Mb
    client_max_body_size 50M;

    # sets the domain[s] that this vhost server requests for
    # server_name www.[engineyard].com [engineyard].com;

    # doc root
    root /u/apps/app1/current/public;

    # vhost specific access log
    access_log  /var/log/nginx.vhost.access.log  main;

    # this rewrites all the requests to the maintenance.html
    # page if it exists in the doc root. This is for capistrano's
    # disable web task
    if (-f $document_root/system/maintenance.html) {
      rewrite  ^(.*)$  /system/maintenance.html last;
    # SNMP MRTG location
    location /admin/mrtg/  {

      satisfy_any  on;
      deny   all;
      auth_basic            "closed site";
      auth_basic_user_file  /var/passwords;

      alias /var/www/mrtg/;
      index index.html index.htm;
	# app1
    location / {
      # needed to forward user's IP address to rails
      proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;

      # needed for HTTPS
      proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
      proxy_redirect false;
      proxy_max_temp_file_size 0;
      # If the file exists as a static file serve it directly without
      # running all the other rewite tests on it
      if (-f $request_filename) { 

      # check for index.html for directory index
      # if its there on the filesystem then rewite 
      # the url to add /index.html to the end of it
      # and then break to send it to the next config rules.
      if (-f $request_filename/index.html) {
        rewrite (.*) $1/index.html break;

      # this is the meat of the rails page caching config
      # it adds .html to the end of the url and then checks
      # the filesystem for that file. If it exists, then we
      # rewite the url to have explicit .html on the end 
      # and then send it on its way to the next config rule.
      # if there is no file on the fs then it sets all the 
      # necessary headers and proxies to our upstream mongrels
      if (-f $request_filename.html) {
        rewrite (.*) $1.html break;

      if (!-f $request_filename) {
        proxy_pass http://mongrel_app1;
	# app2
    location /app2 {
	  root /u/apps/app2/current/public;

      # needed to forward user's IP address to rails
      proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;

      # needed for HTTPS
      proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
      proxy_redirect false;
      proxy_max_temp_file_size 0;

      # If the file exists as a static file serve it directly without
      # running all the other rewite tests on it
      if (-f $request_filename) { 

      # check for index.html for directory index
      # if its there on the filesystem then rewite 
      # the url to add /index.html to the end of it
      # and then break to send it to the next config rules.
      if (-f $request_filename/index.html) {
        rewrite (.*) $1/index.html break;

      # this is the meat of the rails page caching config
      # it adds .html to the end of the url and then checks
      # the filesystem for that file. If it exists, then we
      # rewite the url to have explicit .html on the end 
      # and then send it on its way to the next config rule.
      # if there is no file on the fs then it sets all the 
      # necessary headers and proxies to our upstream mongrels
      if (-f $request_filename.html) {
        rewrite (.*) $1.html break;

      if (!-f $request_filename) {
		proxy_pass http://mongrel_app2;
    error_page   500 502 503 504  /500.html;
    location = /500.html {
      root   /u/apps/app1/current/public;

--- end nginx.conf ---

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