XSLT & hello

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at libero.it
Tue Apr 8 15:31:34 MSD 2008

Maxim Dounin ha scritto:
> [...]
> I'm planning to implement nginx XSLT module for a while, and studied the 
> problem in detail.
> The main problem with XSLT is that in general you can't transform XML 
> document unless it's fully parsed, and thus nginx will be forced to 
> buffer entire backend answer before transforming.  This will have 
> obvious memory implications.

No problem with Nginx, it can buffer on a temp file (and you can force 
it to *always* buffer to a temp file), so you can just run the XSLT 
processor as a separate process and send the resulting file to the 
client (perhaps using sendfile).

Unfortunately Nginx does not offer an infrastructure for process 
handling to be used by modules.

> So, if you already have your XML parsed somewhere in you app - it would 
> be more efficient to transform it there.
> Maxim Dounin

Manlio Perillo

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