Wildcard subdomain - logging

Neil Sheth nsheth at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 12:59:54 MSD 2008


I'm trying to figure out my logging.  Right now, I have nginx acting
as a reverse proxy, sending requests to backend web servers running
apache.  For one part of my site, I have wildcard subdomains - these
are handled by my htaccess rules for apache.  (I enable something like
<aname>.mysite.com.  In htaccess, this is rewritten to something like

Now, in my nginx access log, no matter what <aname> is, I see "GET /
".  Is there any way to get the original request string?  Or, perhaps
do some regex operation on the log write?  For my stats-tracking, I'd
like to be able to differentiate between different page hits.  A bit
at a loss how to get this!

Thanks for any help!


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