Need Help Configuring Nginx to run Wordpress

HonDev Developer developerhondev at
Sun Apr 27 10:48:16 MSD 2008

Well it seems to work for which gets 150 million page
views per month.

Mu Wordpress runs some pretty massive multi user dynamic sites.  I
don't know how you could justify calling it a hack unless you want to
call any piece of open source software a hack.

I've met a guy who runs a site off Mu Wordpress who hosts a hundred
thousand blogs and gets 600,000 page views per day.

On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 5:16 PM, mike <mike503 at> wrote:
> On 4/26/08, HonDev Developer <developerhondev at> wrote:
>  > I recommend swapping to Multi User Wordpress if you have more than one
>  > blog to manage.
>  I don't think I'd recommend it. It seems like too much of a hack
>  (unless they've matured it now)
>  You can easily support multiple blog instances just by using
>  conditionals inside of wp-config.php. We support multiple blogs (and
>  dev/prod instances of each) using the same codebase on all the blog
>  sites...
>  $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] is your friend :)

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