how to rewrite this: apache to nginx

Robert Gabriel lists at
Fri Aug 29 13:41:51 MSD 2008

The subdomain config:

server {
  listen   80;
  server_name *;

  access_log  /var/log/nginx/helpdesk-access_log;
  error_log  /var/log/nginx/helpdesk-error_log;

  location / {
    root   /srv/www/helpdesk;
    index  index.php index.html index.htm;
    error_page  404 = /index.php;

  location ~* ^(.*/)?(\.svn|api|libs|plugins|storage|templates)(/|$) {
           return  403;

        location ~* \.php$ {
            fastcgi_index  index.php;

                    fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME 
                    fastcgi_param  QUERY_STRING     $query_string;
                    fastcgi_param  REQUEST_METHOD   $request_method;
                    fastcgi_param  CONTENT_TYPE     $content_type;
                    fastcgi_param  CONTENT_LENGTH   $content_length;
        fastcgi_param  REQUEST_URI        $request_uri;
        fastcgi_param  DOCUMENT_URI       $document_uri;
        fastcgi_param  DOCUMENT_ROOT      $document_root;
        fastcgi_param  SERVER_PROTOCOL    $server_protocol;
        fastcgi_param  REMOTE_ADDR        $remote_addr;
        fastcgi_param  REMOTE_PORT        $remote_port;
        fastcgi_param  SERVER_ADDR        $server_addr;
        fastcgi_param  SERVER_PORT        $server_port;
        fastcgi_param  SERVER_NAME        $server_name;
        # PHP only, required if PHP was built with 
        fastcgi_param  REDIRECT_STATUS    200;

  #error_page  404  /404.html;

  # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
  error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
  location = /50x.html {
    root   /var/www/nginx-default;


nginx config:

user www-data;
worker_processes  2;

pid        /var/run/;
error_log  /var/log/nginx/error_log info;

events {
    worker_connections      1024;
    use         epoll;

http {
    include        /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type        application/octet-stream;
    server_tokens      off;
    server_names_hash_bucket_size  128;
    sendfile              on;
    tcp_nopush            on;
    tcp_nodelay            on;
    keepalive_timeout        4;
    gzip         on;
    gzip_min_length        1100;
    gzip_comp_level       2;
    gzip_types            text/plain text/html text/css;

    include         /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
    include         /etc/nginx/sites-users/*;
    include        /etc/nginx/sites-virtual/*;

So thats about it...
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