GZIP problem with backend hosts

Alan Williamson alan at blog-city.com
Fri Aug 29 15:47:15 MSD 2008

> By default all headers goes to backend as is.
> There are two exceptions:
> 1) Host: nginx sets it to $proxy_host value,
> 2) Connection: nginx sets it "close"

okay thats that bit cleared up.  thank you.

> As I have said before nginx does not remove "Accept-Enconding" by default.

okay, i think the clue may lie in the fact nginx proxies in only 
"HTTP/1.0".    So i would have to override the backend to break the 
protocol slightly here, and if receive a request in HTTP/1.0 *but* still 
can accept GZIP then give it.

Why only 1.0 incidentally?

> As I understand EC2 cloud are Amazon servers. Are your backends EC2 servers ?

yes, but i suspect you don't have much experence in this world.  Amazon 
has nothing to do with it, they are merely a cloud provider.   The 
instances are running OUR software, on OUR Linux setup.  I shouldn't 
have brought it up, as it appears to be 'clouding' the issue!  :)

Alan Williamson
  Registrationless email/sms reminders:  http://yourli.st/
  blog:  http://alan.blog-city.com/

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