excessive RAM consumption - memory leak

eliott eliott at cactuswax.net
Thu Feb 21 01:56:50 MSK 2008

On 2/20/08, Todd HG <lists at ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> eliott wrote:
>  > You may try setting expires headers for your images, if they don't
>  > change very often (or at all).
> Do you have an example for setting the expire header. In the code
>  example it shows:
>     expires       24h;
>     expires       0;
>     expires       -1;
>     expires       epoch;
>     add_header    Cache-Control  private;
>     server_tokens off;
>  I'm not sure if I should be using only:
>     expires       24h;
>     add_header    Cache-Control  private;
>     server_tokens off;
>  or if I also need:
>     expires       0;
>     expires       -1;
>     expires       epoch;

The expires stanza tells how long the client can cache the object, or
tells a proxy how long it can cache it. So you only need one of them
(or one per location match stanzas).

Cache control private tells a proxy, for instance, that it should not
cache the object, but that a browser on an endpoint workstation can
cache it.


If you wanted to let everyone cache an image forever (like maybe an
image you never expect to change), you can set expires to max.

This may reduce _some_ traffic to you, as it will allow for greater
cacheability downstream.

Take into consideration that clients may not fetch new objects if they
change though.. I would put it into a stanza based on filetype, like
specific to images that will never change.

Hope some of that info helps.

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