Ben Maurer bmaurer at
Thu Jan 3 20:38:14 MSK 2008

Hi Igor,

I hope you had a good vacation.

Ben Maurer wrote:
> Ben Maurer wrote:
>> Some progress on debugging this -- it may have to to do with the 
>> deferred setting.
>> I've managed to get straces like this:
>> accept(6, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(35327), 
>> sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 92
>> ioctl(92, FIONBIO, [1])                 = 0
>> recv(92, 0xbf9c6c2b, 1, MSG_PEEK)       = -1 EAGAIN (Resource 
>> temporarily unavailable)
>> by using:
>> ab -c500 -n2000 https://localhost:8095/
>> and aborting in the middle. It seems that these straces are the ones 
>> that result in leaked FDs. The trace really doesn't make much sense to 
>> me. Deferred accept promises that the socket only goes into accept 
>> once it has data or if it's ready to be closed. Neither of these 
>> should result in an EAGAIN. Regardless, it seems the problem is that 
>> the FD never gets added to epoll at this point.
> It seems like commenting out the check for HTTP requests on the socket 
> made everything work. There's probably a way to do this more correctly 
> (eg, get the event added back into the epoll structure). With that said, 
> maybe it'd be possible to avoid the MSG_PEEK call completely. Openssl is 
>  good at detecting this error:

I tracked down one more FD leak -- it seems that if openssl returns a 
WANT_READ or a WANT_WRITE during the handshake and the client stops 
responding to packets that the FDs will leak. I think the solution to 
this is to add a ngx_add_timer(c->read, 30000); when WANT_READ is 
returned in ngx_ssl_handshake.

I'm a bit worried about how easy it is for a connection to not have any 
timer and thus be leaked when the client completely loses connectivity. 
Is it worth thinking about some safeguard against this. For example, by 
enforcing that every connection has some sort of timer guarding it.

- Ben

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