fastcgi_pass inheritance

Athan Dimoy foxx at
Fri Jan 4 00:57:34 MSK 2008

Igor Sysoev <is at ...> writes:
> Yes.
> > I think you mean fastcgi_pass.
> And fastcgi_pass.
> The fastcgi_pass, proxy_pass, memcached_pass, perl, flv, and empty_gif are
> special directives those set location handler. If no location handler
> was set, then default stack of handler is used: index, autoindex, dav,
> gzip_static, and static.
> The most other proxy/fastcgi directives may be inherited from http level.

Thanks for the detailed explanation, Igor.
BTW, is there any performance hit/gain by declaring fastcgi_xxx directives at 
http level instead a location block, especially a regex one (e.g "~ \.php$")


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