[nginx] Running Mercurial using Nginx as http server

Cliff Wells cliff at develix.com
Sat Jan 26 22:14:55 MSK 2008

On Sat, 2008-01-26 at 18:27 +0100, Thomas wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having some troubles getting Mercurial (the distributed Version
> Control System) to work with nginx. It uses a cgi script (hgweb.cgi)
> to launch mercurial which is a python program.
> I have set up the cgi support in nginx using this documentation page:
> http://wiki.codemongers.com/NginxSimpleCGI
> This setup with simple scripts works fine.

This information is mostly for Perl scripts.

> Now if I want to move to using Mercurial, when I call the cgi script
> that triggers mercurial, I get the following Python error in my web
> browser:
> By the way seeing this error message means that the cgi script is
> being processed, so cgi does work. It's the cgi->python that goes
> wrong.

I'd recommend not using CGI.   There are other ways to deploy Mercurial
(as a quick Google search will tell you).



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