rewrite rule

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Mon Jul 21 02:05:47 MSD 2008


On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 11:31:20PM +0200, Chavelle Vincent wrote:

>Maxim Dounin wrote:
>> You don't actually need all this rewrite stuff. :)
>> Maxim Dounin
>Thank you for these advices. It really help me :)

No problem.

>Could you see topic.
>Maybe that is still my fault :P

I'm not really understand what you are trying to achieve, but I 
belive you problem is your backend's Etag header, which is used by 
your browser to check freshness of the page.  Backend replies 304 
Not Modified - and nginx's SSI has no chance to modify page.

Try the following:

    proxy_hide_header Etag;

This will hide Etag header from responses sent to clients, and 
probably will resolve your issue.  Of course you need to clear 
browser cache once again to remove old version of the page with 

for details.

Maxim Dounin

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