"Bad Gateway" problems

Björn Keil deephell at web.de
Tue Jun 10 13:26:49 MSD 2008


I've been trying out nginx as reverse proxy, SSL wrapper and load
balancer on our internal site for now.

The problem I have is that if some backend servers are down I keep
getting "Bad Gateway" errors, even if there are backend servers online.
In the setup at had I had the setting like:

upstream intern.mysite.tld {
	server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=300;
	server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=300;
	server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=300;

Only one of those were available. But despite the relatively high fail
timeout I got a Bad gateway warning every 3rd or 4th access. Is there a
way to keep nginx from throwing out so many warnings? When I switch a
productive environment I need a loadbalancing system that can deal with
servers that are down...


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