AJP Support

Igor Sysoev is at rambler-co.ru
Tue Jun 24 11:23:08 MSD 2008

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 08:11:53AM +0100, Stephen Nelson-Smith wrote:

> >worker_processes  2; # number of CPUs
> I'm replacing my hardware and need to spec what to use for a pair of 
> dedicated load-balancer machines.  Would it make sense to go with 
> something with as many cores as possible?

SSL operations are CPU intensive, so it makes sense to use as much cores
as possible.

> I could then make the  worker_processes say 8?


> I propose to use heartbeat and drbd to make an HA cluster from two machines.
> >        location / {
> >            proxy_pass   http://tomcat;
> >        }
> >  
> Could you point me to the documentation that creates pools of machines 
> across which to balance?  Also, what algorithms are available for balancing?

If you want to balance the machines running nginx, then there is no anything
to do on nginx side.

If you mean balancing using nginx, then:

Igor Sysoev

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