Problem with simple rewrite rule

Tieg Zaharia tieg.zaharia at
Sun Mar 9 22:24:58 MSK 2008

I think the first problem is that you're redirecting to wiki.php instead of
to the "/WIKIPAGE" url. As I found out last week, replacing query strings in
nginx can be tricky. Does this work? (it won't work with more query string

server {
  if ($query_string ~ ^wiki=(.*)$) {
    rewrite ^(.*)$ /$1 break;


On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 3:01 PM, Per Hans Hansen <pehaha at> wrote:

> I try to create a very simple rewrite rule with nginx, but i doesnt work.
> I have set up my server with a "catch all" server_name *
> I then try to create a rewrite rule so that requests to
> will be rewritten to
> Here is the option that i thought would work:
>        server {
>              server_name;
>              if (!-e $request_filename) {
>              rewrite ^/(.*)$ /wiki.php?wiki=$1 last;
>              }
>         }
> Suggestions to why this does not work are highly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> per
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