setting up nginx with mongrel_cluster: 403 Forbidden

Cliff Wells cliff at
Tue Mar 25 00:01:23 MSK 2008

On Mon, 2008-03-24 at 13:25 +0100, Lena Herrmann wrote:

> If someone could point me in a direction of what I might have missed,
> this would be great!

>   location / {
>     index  index.html index.htm;
>     # Forward the user's IP address to Rails
>     proxy_set_header          X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
>     # needed for HTTPS
>     proxy_set_header          X_FORWARDED_PROTO https;
>     proxy_set_header          X-Forwarded-For
> $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
>     proxy_set_header          Host $http_host;
>     proxy_redirect            false;
>     proxy_max_temp_file_size  0;
>     location ~ ^/(images|javascripts|stylesheets)/ {
>      expires 10y;
>     }
>     if (-f $request_filename) {
>       break;
>     }
>     if (-f $request_filename/index.html) {
>       rewrite (.*) $1/index.html break;
>     }
>     if (-f $request_filename.html) {
>       rewrite (.*) $1.html break;
>     }
> # uncommented cause the "!" causes an error
> #    if (! -f $request_filename) {
> #      proxy_pass http://myapp;
> #      break;
> #    }
>   }
>   error_page   500 502 503 504  /500.html;
>   location = /500.html {
>     root /var/www/apps/myapp/current/public;
>   }
> }

Where is your proxy_pass directive?  It looks like you had one and then
commented it out.

As an aside, I suggest you put your proxy directives into a separate
file and then include it (that is, everything *except* the proxy_pass
directive).  If your config was a little less cluttered, you'd certainly
have caught this omission yourself.


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