Feature request: support access_log in IF block

Roxis roxis at list.ru
Fri May 16 21:14:46 MSD 2008

On Friday 16 May 2008, Rt Ibmer wrote:
> According to the documentation, the access_log directive does not supported
> the "if in location" context.  This however would be very useful to us and
> I am sure others.
> For example, within on location block I would like to do this:
> location {
>   if (url contains something) {
>      access_log abc.log main;
>   }
>   if (url contains somethingelse) {
>      access_log xyz.log main;
>   }
>   ... several more "if" blocks doing the same thing here ...
> }
> Currently the only way to do this (I think?) is to define multiple location
> blocks.  However due to the complexity of my config files which already
> include multiple location blocks as it is with detailed proxy_pass blocks,
> this would cause several permutations and the log file would quickly grow
> difficult to manage (and error prone as I change things later and miss
> changes elsewhere etc).
> Thank you for considering this small but useful feature.  If there is
> already a way to do this please let me know!

 "if (url contains something)" is basically a location directive.
What you want is sublocations/nested locations which are supported but 
undocumented, because they don't work 100% correctly.

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