static POST

mike mike503 at
Wed Nov 19 11:00:01 MSK 2008

I was wondering why my POST data is not populated in PHP...

This is running nginx 0.7.19 right now. I am using the error_page and
POSTing data to it, and it's not filling in the POST information.

server {
        listen 80;
        index index.php;
        root /home/mike/web/;
        error_page 404 = /controller.php?uri=$request_uri;
        location ~ \.php {

Is there something wrong with the configuration, or could the feature
have relapsed?

On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 1:57 AM, Igor Sysoev <is at> wrote:

> 0.7.x has the following features:
> Changes with nginx 0.7.12                                        26 Aug 2008
>    *) Bugfix: a request body was dropped while redirection via an
>       "error_page" directive.
> Changes with nginx 0.7.11                                        18 Aug 2008
>    *) Feature: now nginx returns the 405 status code for POST method
>       requesting a static file only if the file exists.
> They allow POSTs to nonexistent files and redirect them to a backend
> using error_page.

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