A little syntax help, please

Almir Karic almir at kiberpipa.org
Fri Nov 21 22:50:33 MSK 2008

what you want are regex locations, see

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 07:04:45PM +0000, John Moore wrote:
> Can someone point out to me, please, how I can group a bunch of pages in  
> a location block, so they all get the same treatment? Let's say I have  
> '/somePage.htm', '/anotherPage.htm', and '/yetAnotherPage.htm'. I  
> thought the following would work, but it doesn't. Am I close? TIA
>        location /(somePage|anotherPage|yetAnotherPage).htm) {
>            include /etc/nginx/admin.conf;
>        }

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