FastCGI Under Windows?

Hendry Lee hendry.lee at
Fri Oct 10 17:21:13 MSD 2008

I tried to put together a script that allows nginx to run CGI
under Windows but get stuck in the process.

The nginx simple CGI guide at codemongers

is UNIX specific because the "-|" pipe is only compatible within
that platform.

Here are some of the methods that I've used to try to "port" it
to Win32:
- IPC::Run3
- IPC::Open2
- IPC::Open3
- Win32::Process

The open() function doesn't accept more parameters like in Linux,
when a pipe "-|" is used.

All of them have the "Not a GLOB reference" error. The same code
that executes well in command line fail miserably in FCGI
environment. At least Open2 method works in Ubuntu 8.04, but
again the code gives the Glob reference error message.

Any has an idea how to make it work?

Hendry Lee

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