Unix sockets for fastcgi_pass

Volodymyr Kostyrko c.kworr at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 17:37:33 MSD 2008

Chris Savery wrote:
> Hello,
> I just tested out using unix sockets for fastcgi_pass instead of the 
> often seen
> It worked fine as far as I could tell.
> Is there some reason no one seems to do this? I've read that sockets are 
> faster (don't know how much though) and probably more secure since they 
> aren't potentially exposed to the net. So that sounds better to me but I 
> see everyone seems to configure php using
> Unix sockets only work on the same machine, right? So that would knock 
> it out for many situations. But for my use right now this would work. Is 
> there another reason not to do it?

I'm already using unix-sockets on my servers. with unix rights I even 
can guarantee no one would access them except controlling user and 

Too bad apache mod_fastcgi doesn't work with them...

Sphinx of black quartz judge my vow.

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