dynamic logs

Vladan Popovic vladanpopovic at be-o.com
Fri Sep 12 00:15:30 MSD 2008

I'm using version 0.716 and trying to make dynamic log files work.
The log file is created but subsequently nothing is written inside the file.
The configuration is as follows:
# Catch all web site
server {
        server_name _ ;

        location  /widgets/ { alias  /home/http/lib/widgets/; }
        rewrite ^/crm/(.*)$ https://$host/crm/$1 permanent;

        if ($host ~* "^([^.]+(\.[^.]+)*)\.((.*)\.(com|net|org)(\..*)?)$"){
                set $subd $1;
                set $dom  $3;
                set $myroot /sites/$dom/$subd/htdocs ;

        location / {
           index  index.php index.html index.htm;

        root            /home/http$myroot ;
        include         php-fastcgi;

        access_log  /var/log/nginx/$dom debug ;


I get an error as follows:
2008/09/12 02:06:19 [alert] 9832#0: *6 write() to "/var/log/nginx/be-o.com"
failed (22: Invalid argument) while logging request, 

Can anyone help

Thank you


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