Conflicting location blocks...

mike mike503 at
Tue Sep 16 12:56:47 MSD 2008

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 1:36 AM, Igor Sysoev <is at> wrote:

>                  location ^~ /icommon/ {
>                          rewrite ^/icommon/(.*)  /common/$1  last;
>                  }

Thanks both of you guys. I wound up doing that rewrite and was able to
get it to work, but I will take these pointers with me. My problem

1) I couldn't get alias + php to work.
2) I couldn't set the root (so I could do a nested fastcgi block if
needed) to work since the directory name was "common" and the request
was "icommon"

For our apps the icommon folder was temporary. We'll be switching it
out so it isn't needed soon. But I was trying to get this to work
properly anyway...

Hopefully all this thrash will be done soon enough :)

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