upload module 2.0.9

Valery Kholodkov valery+nginxen at grid.net.ru
Mon Apr 20 13:59:08 MSD 2009

Ok, nginx 0.7.52 allows me to release upload module 2.0.9. Changes so far:

 * Change: compatibility with nginx's API 0.7.52 and greater
 * Fixed bug: module directives couldn't have appeared in limit_except block
 * Added feature: directive upload_limit_rate and ability to limit upload rate
 * Change: Malformed body issues are now logged to error log instead of debug log

To compile upload module with nginxes 0.7.44-51 configure in the following way:

CFLAGS="-Dnginx_version=7052" ./configure --add-module=<path to upload module sources>

See details on this page:

Valery Kholodkov

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