Best practices for running Perl?

Mark Aiken maiken at
Thu Apr 30 22:46:47 MSD 2009


My apologies for the newbie question; I have poked around quite a bit
and can't find a definitive answer.

I'm planning to use nginx to set up a lightweight server on a slim
virtual-slice host where resources are at a premium. The server will
mainly just relay data from clients to back-end systems, so I don't
need a fancy render layer or persistence model. I'm planning to go
with Perl for its stability and light footprint.

My question is, what is the current best-practice for running Perl
behind nginx? Is the built-in Perl module stable enough to consider
using in production or should I stick with a hand-rolled FCGI wrapper?

If someone feels that there would be a better slim-language choice
that is better supported by nginx instead of Perl, I would appreciate
hearing about that as an alternative.



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