Permanent redirection with regex after moving blog

miles nginx-forum at
Thu Aug 13 01:17:30 MSD 2009

this rewrite looks ok, could you show whole server{} config?

Thanks for asking - I have pasted it below.

Before that: I just realized that

location /weblog/ { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /blog/$1 permanent; }

was actually not even giving me the root of /blog/  (I had left in the old
statement as well). It actually returns:


which is a 404.

Anyway, on to the server statements in nginx.conf:

  server {
    rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent;

  server {
    root (root path is displayed here)
    autoindex  on;

    location = /favicon.ico { return 204; }
    location = /robots.txt { return 204; }
    location /vnc { rewrite /vnc /docs/vnc/ permanent; }
    location /weblog/ { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /blog/$1 permanent; }
    location /docs.html { rewrite /docs.html /docs/ permanent; }
    location /ftp.html { rewrite /ftp.html /docs/ftp.html permanent; }
    location /not_yours_to_give.html { rewrite /not_yours_to_give.html /docs/not_yours_to_give.html permanent; }
    location /quotes.html { rewrite /quotes.html /docs/quotes.html permanent; }
    location /search_tips.html { rewrite /search_tips.html /docs/search_tips.html permanent; }
    location /treo_600.html { rewrite /treo_600.html /docs/treo_600.html permanent; }
    location /aid4mail { rewrite /aid4mail /docs/aid4mail/ permanent; }
    location /drive_snapshot_review { rewrite /drive_snapshot_review /docs/drive_snapshot_review/ permanent; }
    location /freenx { rewrite /freenx /docs/freenx/ permanent; }
    location /poems { rewrite /poems /docs/poems/ permanent; }
    location /virtualpc { rewrite /virtualpc /docs/virtualpc/ permanent; }
    location /blog/atom.xml { rewrite /blog/atom.xml /blog/index.rss20 permanent; }
    location = /blog/index.rss { rewrite ^ /blog/index.rss20 permanent; }
    location = /blog/index.atom { rewrite ^ /blog/index.rss20 permanent; }

Posted at Nginx Forum:,4895,4899#msg-4899

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