FastCGI problem

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Fri Aug 21 14:34:26 MSD 2009


On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 12:20:53PM +0200, Toni Mueller wrote:

> Hi,
> trying to trackback to some, but not all, articles on a MovableType
> installation from another MovableType installation, I get this
> consistently with one entry, but not any other that I tried so far:
>     fastcgi request record is too big: 18446744073557966627
> At the user's side, this results in a 500 error. I have no clue where
> to look, or what might cause this error, though, as trackbacks to other
> entries work quite nicely.
> Looking into the source of nginx suggests that maybe the 64k buffer for
> the FastCGI request may be too small? But then, I don't know if this
> limit is mandated by the specs.
> This is with nginx 0.7.61 on OpenBSD/amd64, pagesize = 4k. Setting
>   fastcgi_buffers     8 8k;
> had no effect that I could see so far.

Could you please provide debug log for such a request?

Maxim Dounin

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