Nginx & FastCGI buffering to slow clients, thousands of connections backup to fast-cgi/php processes

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Mon Dec 21 03:49:46 MSK 2009


On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 08:49:14AM -0500, mushero wrote:

> I assume this has been covered before but despite lots of 
> searching, cannot find it.
> We run many nginx servers with fast-cgi for PHP, but here in 
> China the connections can be slow or dynamic, so suddenly we 
> have 1000 connections in 'write' status in Nginx.  This should 
> be no problem, but these seem to be backing up the fast-cgi 
> processes, eventually running out and the whole system locks up 
> from a users' perspective, with 502 errors since nginx can't 
> find any more fast-cgi processes to talk with (they are all 
> busy).  
> Errors we get are usually "upstream timed out (110: Connection 
> timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client: 
>, server:, request: "GET /...
> In this scenario, we'd need 1000+ fast-cgi processes to handle 
> all the open connections.  We'd prefer to run 10-20 php 
> connections, which can easily handle all the performance needs.
> We thought, this is simple, just add more buffering so all the 
> PHP output is in memory in Nginx, and it will close the 
> connection to PHP and another user can use it.  These are big 
> servers, with 8-16 cores and 24GB+ RAM so we have plenty of 
> power and memory.  So we added bigger buffers to 64KB and added 
> thousands of buffers, etc. but Nginx's memory size didn't really 
> increase (very small at 30-50MB) and the problem didn't go away.  
> And we have no buffering to disk messages in the logs.
> So if the buffers are big enough and/or we have disks space, I 
> am thinking nginx will ALWAYS buffer ALL the fastcgi data and 
> the connection will close, so we should NEVER see fastcgi 
> waiting for nginx to write data to a client - is this correct?

Yes.  As long as you have no fastcgi_max_temp_file_size set to 
something low - nginx will always buffer full response from 
fastcgi.  It will release backend connection as soon as possible, 
so slow clients would not produce any extra load for backends.  

> First, are these buffer settings per connection or for all 
> connections ?  I assume fastcgi_buffer_size is per connection.  
> But if fastcgi_buffers is per connection, why have a buffer 
> count, why not just say 32K, 64K, etc.?  So I'm guessing this is 

Both fastcgi_buffer_size and fastcgi_buffers are per connection.

Having multiple fastcgi_buffers allows better granularity of 
allocations, so for small responses you may save some memory which 
is not needed.  On the other hand, having many small buffers 
imposes some overhead (cpu for processing, network as ocassionally 
tcp may have to send non-full packets, disk seeks in case nginx 
will have to use disk buffering).

> the total buffers available to the server, in blocks of the 
> buffer size, for example fastcgi_buffers 1024 64k gives me 64MB 
> of total buffer space.  If I have 100 connections, I can buffer 
> about 600KB each, etc. before nginx starts buffering to files.


> Without a fix we are running 1000 cgi processes and 1-2K nginx 
> connections.  This works but if we ever get real load, we'll 
> have a 250 load average, like we used to see on loaded Apache 
> systems.  We need a way to use 10-20 PHP processes on a few 
> thousand slow connections.
> I assume we have buffering problems, but maybe there is a close 
> or other issue that prevents the php from being re-used, but 
> this works great when the connections are fast and the % of 
> writers is small.

I think it's a good idea to start from looking into process states 
and/or traces to find out where bottleneck is.

> The fastcgi engine is php5-cgi; maybe we should use spawn-cgi 
> from lighttpd.
> Key configis are:
> events {
>     worker_connections  4096;
>     use epoll;
>     multi_accept off;
> }
> http {
>     sendfile        on;
>     #tcp_nopush     on;
>     #keepalive_timeout  0;
>     keepalive_timeout  15;
>     tcp_nodelay        on;
> server {
>         listen 80;
>         server_name;
>         root /var/www/abc;
>         access_log /var/log/nginx/abc.com_access.log;
>         error_log /var/log/nginx/abc.com_error.log;
>         index  index.html index.php index.htm;
>         location ~ \.php$ {
>                 fastcgi_pass;
>                 fastcgi_index  index.php;

Just a note: fastcgi_index is noop here.

>                 fastcgi_buffer_size 64k;
>                 fastcgi_buffers 4096 64k;

Just a note: this gives up to 256M per connection, up to 1T in 
total assuming you are runing 1 nginx worker process.

Maxim Dounin

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