undocumented error_page bug/feature/behavior

Jonathan Vanasco nginx at 2xlp.com
Wed Jan 7 02:44:02 MSK 2009

i just discovered this after 2 hours of testing

	If you define error_page for a server block multiple times, only  
the  first one will take, subsequent ones will not override

	That means if you store your error pages in a macro, to override it  
would be:

		error_page 503 /503.error
		include /usr/local/nginx/_macros/error_page.conf;

	and not

		include /usr/local/nginx/_macros/error_page.conf;
		error_page 503 /503.error

I'm not sure if this was intended or not ( personally , i don't like  
it ).

but I wanted to share this with others.	

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