BUG report: error log separation per virtual host does not work

Maxim Dounin mdounin at mdounin.ru
Thu Jan 8 13:36:31 MSK 2009


On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 09:09:02PM -0800, Dan Dascalescu wrote:

> I reported this bug already at
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.nginx.english/1604/focus=1628
> but was using the stable version of nginx. I just upgraded to the
> latest development version, 0.7.30, and the bug is still there:
> I want to have separate error logs for each virtual host. Here is my
> config file, with only one host so far:
> error_log  logs/main_error.log;
> events {
>    worker_connections  1024;
> }
> http {
>    error_log logs/http_error.log;
>    server {
>        server_name myname.org;
>        access_log logs/the_org.access;
>        error_log logs/the_org.error;
>    }
> }
> Here is the problem: when the server receives a request for
> http://myname.org/nonexistent.file, the request shows up in the access
> log (the_org.access), but all 3 error logs remain blank. The error
> only shows up in the main_error.log if I comment the
> "error_log logs/http_error.log;"
> and
> "error_log logs/the_org.error;"
> lines.

The problem is that nginx sets reasonable logging level 
automatically only for global error_log (it's defaults to error if 
not defined).  For others it's defaults to stderr, i.e. nothing is 
logged.  Solution is simple - explicitly specify logging level:

error_log logs/main_error.log error;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    error_log logs/http_error.log error;
    server {
        server_name myname.org;
        access_log logs/the_org.access;
        error_log logs/the_org.error error;

Since there is no official documentation for error_log directive 
at all - this probably can't be considered as a bug.  It's up to 
Igor either fix it or document as is.

Maxim Dounin

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