ecmascript module

Chris Farmiloe chris at
Mon Jan 19 17:00:26 MSK 2009


I've started to build an nginx module to process server-side  
ecmascript (javascript) by embedding the spidermonkey engine. I've got  
a (very) rough proof of concept hacked together just now, but after  
about 30-50 requests the I can't allocate enough memory to build the  
spidermonkey runtime.

I'm new to C and just skim-read the white book to get this far so I  
expect I am just making naive C mistakes.

What I couldn't understand is that the same jsapi code outside of the  
nginx module never seemed to have the allocation issues.
And if it was a memory allocation issue... wouldn't my worker  
processes rise above 2MB?

Sorry for the vague message, but if someone could give me a nudge in  
the right direction of what might be happening so I can get back to  
learning it would be much appreciated!

here's my example so far:

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