Possible rewrite regular expression bug?

Michal Mach michal.mach at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 15:13:47 MSD 2009

I don't know if this is related to the issues mentioned here, but when we
have rewrite rule like
rewrite ^/arch/(.*) /cgi-bin/open_cache.pl?file=$1 last;

and url


then in nginx 0.5 this will be passed to the cgi as


But in nginx 0.6 (maybe even in higher versions) is this url passed as


As you can see some of the chars where unescaped.

2008/6/24 Igor Sysoev <is at rambler-co.ru>

> On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 06:03:51PM +0200, Peter Hoang wrote:
> > Furthermore, it seems like NGINX seems to decode the parameter in
> > rewrite rules. For example, I have the following rule:
> >
> >       if ($args ~ ^q=([^&]+)$) {
> >         set $q $1;
> >         rewrite ^/j /cms/q-$q.html? permanent;
> >       }
> >
> > Now if I enter the http://localhost/j?q=c%2B%2B then NGINX will redirect
> > me to http://localhost/cms/q-c++.html . I was expected that the final
> > url would be http://localhost/cms/q-%2B%2B.html. Is there a way to
> > prevent this from happening? Thanks.
> It had been implemented long ago in 0.3.10:
>    *) Bugfix: the "rewrite" directive did not unescape URI part in
>       redirect, now it is unescaped except the %00-%25 and %7F-%FF
>       characters.
> Why do you need "c%2B%2B" in URL ? "c++" is valid unambiguous URL part.
> --
> Igor Sysoev
> http://sysoev.ru/en/
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