flv streaming and proxy_pass

Tom Harris lists at ruby-forum.com
Wed Jun 10 01:52:27 MSD 2009

Michal Frackowiak wrote:
> Honestly I think making mp4 of flv modules capable of streaming videos 
> from a proxy source would be great. One way around we are just trying 
> (we are streaming from S3) is to mount the S3 bucket through a FUSE 
> filesystem and make mp4 stream it from there. There are (unfortunately) 
> a few other problems with that, e.g. s3fs cannot fetch parts of the file 
> (seek), it downloads the whole file, but we are on our way for a custom, 
> read-only filesystem that does the trick.
> Caching files locally is also a good option, but when you have thousands 
> of large movies it makes it quite difficult. Direct streaming would be 
> much nicer.
> @Karolis: how exactly can you do this with lighttpd? Any reference?
> Michal

Hi Michal,
How did you get on with this? I've been stumbling around with this idea 
for a while but not quite cracked it yet. It seems that a block device 
approach with the right filesystem could provide the answer, maybe some 
sort of cluster fs. Anyway any chance of a collaboration?
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