Why doesn't this work?

Michael Shadle mike503 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 08:10:45 MSD 2009

2009/6/24 Maxim Dounin <mdounin at mdounin.ru>

> -         if ($host ~^(.*?)\.%%USER%%\.foo\.com$) {
> +         if ($host ~ ^(.*?)\.%%USER%%\.foo\.com$) {

That at least passes but it still doesn't work.

fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name the
$document_root piece is not being filled in from the "root" capture. It
probably should... that'd be a bug if it was up to me.

For the moment I've been able to make a crappy hack:

rewrite ^/$ /index.php last;
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