Apache -> Nginx miration problem. Different tcp options?

Maxim Dounin mdounin at mdounin.ru
Mon Jun 29 15:51:13 MSD 2009


On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 05:42:50AM -0400, atlantos wrote:

> Problem with HEAD solved by setting fastcgi_ignore_client_abort on
> But still getting error on POST. Bellow is code. If $num $num < 853 ( POST length < 1025) everything is ok, if $num >= 853 ( POST length >= 1025) getting error.

What about fixing your app to avoid using half-closed connections 
instead?  There is no such a beast as half-closed connections in 
RFC2616 and nginx stops request processing as soon as it detects 
that other end closed connection.

Directives fastcgi_ignore_client_abort/proxy_ignore_client_abort 
can be used to avoid such immediate close when request came to 
backend, but they was created to protect backends, not to allow 
half-closed connections from clients.  And it's expected that they  
won't do anything as long as connection close was detected before 
request was passed to backend.

Maxim Dounin

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