Is this a nginx problem or phpmyadmin's?

xrfang nginx-forum at
Tue Nov 17 04:16:37 MSK 2009

I put phpmyadmin on my nginx powered vps. Every time I login to phpmyadmin, the server portion of the url will be appended a dot (.) this works the first time, but will quickly fail because it keeps adding dots every time I login/logout. E.g.

The login page is:

After a successful login, it becomes:  <-- Note the dot after "com"

If I logout and login again, it becomes: <-- Note the two dots after "com"

Now this will definitely fail.   Some time, may be phpmyadmin is doing internal redirection (I am not sure), this double dot problem appears instantly after I login, and firefox shows me a failure page.

Thank you!

Posted at Nginx Forum:,23356,23356#msg-23356

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