Bug while using "proxy_cache_use_stale updating"

Igor Sysoev is at rambler-co.ru
Tue Sep 1 17:21:00 MSD 2009

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 11:06:46AM +0200, J?r?me Loyet wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I come up with a strange bug. I'm using nginx as a proxy cache to apache.
> I'm using the following conf (only useful line):
>   proxy_buffering on;
>   proxy_buffers 4 8k;
>   proxy_cache_use_stale updating error timeout invalid_header http_500
> http_502 http_503 http_504;
>   proxy_cache_key $scheme$host$request_uri;
>   proxy_send_timeout 5;
>   proxy_read_timeout 120;
>   proxy_connect_timeout 5;
>   proxy_hide_header X-Powered-By;
>   proxy_cache_path /LIBRE/nginx/cache levels=1:2
> keys_zone=cache.www:10m inactive=1d max_size=4g;
>   proxy_ignore_headers Expires Cache-Control;
>   ...
>   upstream backend.www {
>     server;
>     server;
>     server;
>     server;
>     server;
>     server;
>     server;
>     server;
>   }
>   server {
>     proxy_cache cache.www;
>     location / {
>       proxy_cache_valid 200 302 1m;
>       gzip on;
>       proxy_pass http://backend.www;
>     }
> ...
> Until now everything was working great. But a bug come up to me.
> It seems that for an unknown reason, an "update cache" request didn't
> go well. And it stays as is (state: UPDATING). So every next request
> are served from cache because for nginx there is still a request to
> the backend running for this request. So even hours after having
> removing a page in the backend, nginx is still serving the old and
> valid (not 404) content.
> Here is what I have in the access log.
> 17:19:26 /pid21838/test.html 200 MISS
> 17:20:32 /pid21838/test.html 200 EXPIRED <-- more than one minute
> later, the backend is requested to update the cache
> 17:20:49 /pid21838/test.html 200 HIT <-- less than one minute later,
> the cache is served
> 17:20:49 /pid21838/test.html 200 HIT <-- the same
> 17:21:40 /pid21838/test.html 404 EXPIRED <-- The cache is expired,
> request backend. The backend answers with a 404. But the cache does
> not seem to be updated
> 17:21:42 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING <-- all the next requests
> are served from stale cache.
> 17:22:09 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 17:23:06 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 17:27:00 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 17:32:16 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 17:41:20 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 17:44:06 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 17:45:09 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 17:47:01 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 17:52:06 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 17:52:08 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 19:12:08 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 19:20:59 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 19:34:36 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 19:58:00 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING
> 20:11:55 /pid21838/test.html 200 UPDATING <-- 3 hours later: still the same
> I can reproduce the problem:
> 1- create a page on the backend (say /test.html)
> 2- request the frontend for /test.html --> MISS 200
> 3- request the frontend for /test.html before it expires --> HIT 200
> 4- request the frontend for /test.html after it expires --> EXPIRED 200
> 5- remove /test.html from the backend
> 6- request the frontend for /test.html after it expires --> EXPIRED 404
> 6- request the frontend for /test.html any time you want --> UPDATING
> 200 (the old /test.html is still served)
> I'm using nginx 0.8.4.
> I didn't have time to test with newer releases.
> Hope it helps

The patch.

Igor Sysoev
-------------- next part --------------
Index: src/http/ngx_http_upstream.c
--- src/http/ngx_http_upstream.c	(revision 2393)
+++ src/http/ngx_http_upstream.c	(working copy)
@@ -2107,6 +2107,7 @@
         } else {
             u->cacheable = 0;
             r->headers_out.last_modified_time = -1;
+            ngx_http_file_cache_free(r, u->pipe->temp_file);

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