Conflicting server name - i don't understand

ktm nginx-forum at
Wed Sep 2 11:37:20 MSD 2009

I think i got it, i misunderstood you Igor, i just created a default vhost with below code, strip down the other vhosts, and put server names for all.Now it's working fine.

(I know it seems I'm talking to myself on nginx forum :), but I don't know where to reply, it seems that mail list response don't appear here)

server {
            server_name _;return 444;
			## Only allow GET and HEAD request methods
			if ($request_method !~ ^(GET|HEAD)$ ) {
			return 444;
			## Deny illegal Host headers
			if ($host !~* ^(|$ ) {
			return 444;
			## Deny certain User-Agents (case insensitive)
			## The ~* makes it case insensitive as opposed to just a ~
			if ($http_user_agent ~* (Baiduspider) ) {
			return 444;

			## Deny certain Referers (case insensitive)
			## The ~* makes it case insensitive as opposed to just a ~
			if ($http_referer ~* (babes|click|diamond|forsale|girl|jewelry|love|nudit|organic|poker|porn|poweroversoftware|sex|teen|video|webcam|zippo) ) {
			return 444;
			## Serve an empty 1x1 gif _OR_ an error 204 for favicon.ico
			location = /favicon.ico {
			return 204;

			## All other errors get the generic error page
			error_page 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417
                 500 501 502 503 504 505 /error_page.html;
			location  /error_page.html {

Posted at Nginx Forum:,5464,5468#msg-5468

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